Abstracts for the Congress:
- Participants who would like to actively participate in the congress are requested to submit an abstract for review by the Scientific Committee.
- The Committee reserves the right to: 1) select the abstracts relevant to the sessions; 2) decide on the final form of presentation.
- The Committee will accept 1 abstract per presenting author.
- The List of Posters will be published in the Final Program and on the congress online platform.
Before you begin, please prepare the following information:
- Title of the abstract
- Family names and initials of all authors
- Details of affiliation of all author(s); institution, city, country
- Contact details of the presenting author (email, tel, fax)
Please note: Abstracts cannot exceed 300 words and cannot include tables and graphs.
About Abstract Submission:
Be sure to make all changes, corrections and proofreading before submitting.
Please note: Once you click Submit, you cannot edit the information you entered.
To make any changes after you have submitted, please contact the Congress Secretariat at [email protected] mentioning your name and abstract confirmation number.
Prior to submission, please use ‘spell check’ within your abstract WORD document in order to avoid spelling errors.